Seaside School District Counselors provide comprehensive, developmentally appropriate education and support to meet the academic, personal/social, and future planning needs of all students. We empower students to be self-aware, resilient individuals, who can overcome challenges, build healthy relationships, and thrive in our global community.
As per the ASCA (American School Counselor Association) Model, Seaside Middle School Counselors provide both preventative and responsive services in:
Academic Development
Personal/Social Development
Career Development
SMS Counselors lead, advocate, and collaborate to promote equity and access for all students.
Oregon's Student Health Survey is a collaborative effort with the Oregon Department of Education to improve the health and well-being of all Oregon students to help them succeed. The Student Health Survey is a comprehensive, school-based, anonymous and voluntary health survey of 6th, 8th and 11th graders conducted yearly. It is a key part of statewide efforts to help local schools and communities ensure that all Oregon youth are healthy and successful learners.
If you do NOT want your child to participate, please fill out the attached form and return it to the office. If you have questions about the survey, please contact the Survey Coordinator Ashley Graffius at agraffius@seasidek12.org